Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 20 (July 28)

Steep climb up from our camp, and after a lot of work, things begin to feel very high -- forests give way to small clusters of dwarf pines, and eventually the the grassy rocks peaks. Donovaly is tiny far below, and views are great in every direction -- but we´re looking east, where our trail follows the ridge with every peak a little higher than the last. A little daunting, but very beautiful.
At days´ end we hiked down the ridge to the next legal camping spot, Durkova Shelter. The ladies (mother and daughter) who run this site fed us delicious lentil soup and fried cheese and informed us that we can only use the tent if the shelter is full (it´s definitely not full; we´re the first ones there) so we´ll be staying in the bunk room. It doesn´t look bad though -- until new hikers begin arriving every few minutes. After weeks of being more or less alone on the trail, it´s clear that we´re now in a very busy section. Managed a restless night of sleep over the constant racket of our comrades shuffling, giggling, and snoring.

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