Monday, July 27, 2009

Day 18 (July 26)

Said goodbye to the Kralova Studna crew and continued our hike up the mountain Krizna, over 1500 meters, the largest we´ve seen yet. Wind and fog are overwhelming, but the ascent is very beautiful. Cold and phenomenal at the top. We hiked on eastward along the ridge towards Donovaly, a lovely day. The trail in this area (since Skalka, really) seems a little more beloved and looked after, though still not without it challenges and confusions. A long day, but we made it into town happy and strong. Donovaly itself is a little disappointing; 90 percent of the town is closed hotels and tourist-trap amusements without much town to speak of, not the great resupply point we´d hoped for, but good enough.
Tomorrow we start the most storied section of our trail, the Nízke Tatry mountain range.


  1. How was the gigantic egg?

    What a fantastic trip. Very jealous.

  2. WOW... What a trip... dad

  3. This sounds just amazing.

    Allow me to offer a quick Jason Boyd-style update from our end:

    Woke to gentle rustling of Bill Libaw foraging for Fiddle Faddle and cookies in the kitchen. Walked from the bedroom to the kitchen, with brief stop in bathroom to brush teeth. Toothpaste running low, but we're not overly concerned. View of inside of fridge was tremendous - lots of juice options. Cereal choices were slightly disappointing, however. Hoping to restock at Trader Joe's. Leslie negociated deal with Oliver the Cat to get off the counters. Finally, we plopped down on the couch, exhausted, and the white cat sat on Leslie's lap as she chatted with her sister on the phone.

    Tomorrow we start our ascent on Trader Joe's, weather permitting.

    Not as dramatic as your updates, I have to admit. Keep 'em coming!!

  4. Out of that egg:
    A. 2,000 sparrows
    B. little black-faced man with Domingo
    C. Coney
    D. Me and Cola. P.P., too.

  5. @Commander Cool

    I like it and the whole genre of blog parody.

  6. Wow ..... what a strange looking place. ha.
    -- Lianne
